Wednesday, 22 May 2019

The Best Moments of C2

2nd Mobility to Vilnius - Erasmus+

On Sunday March 31st, 5 students together with Mrs. Gründler and Mrs. Karl made their way to Vilnius, Lithuania. We flew there because of the Erasmus+ project. It was very late when we arrived in Vilnius, about midnight. Our host families were waiting for us and they took us to our separate accommodations.

 On Monday April 1st, we all met in the morning at the Lithuanian school called Vasilijaus Kacialovo gimnazija. The grammar school is a Russian school. We were welcomed in a very friendly way and the theatre group of the school showed something. Two songs were sung as well. After all the teachers had arrived, the school director said a few words and the Lithuanian teacher, who was in charge of the project there, translated and talked about the upcoming week and what was planned. After the breakfast break we were divided into two groups and did a workshop where we learned something about the Lithuanian language. Afterwards the students thought about playing a game so that we could get to know each other better and break the ice. After lunch at school we went on a scavenger hunt in the city and had a better look at it. All 5 German students did something together with the host sisters every afternoon and evening. On this evening we first went to a restaurant and tasted traditional Lithuanian food and then we walked up a hill that serves as a viewing platform and watched the sunset from there.

 On Tuesday April 2nd, we met repeatedly in the morning at the school. From there we drove to a youth center in Vilnius and did a graffiti workshop there. The two men who led the workshop introduced themselves and told us something about graffiti in general. Afterwards everyone had the choice whether they would like to make their own templates in order to create an individual graffiti or whether they would like to create graffiti lettering. The German students all decided for the templates. First we had to come up with a motif, which was then printed out in black and white and the black areas on the template were cut out with a caterpillar knife. With our stencils we went to a graffiti wall near the youth center and immortalized ourselves there. In the afternoon we went with our host sisters into a café and in the evening we had pizza.

 On Wednesday April 3rd, we took the bus to Trakai. This is a very nice place about 30km away from Vilnius. Outside of Trakai there is a national park where we were and also a very beautiful castle with a large English garden. In Trakai itself there is a castle, which we could have a look at. In a restaurant we prepared a traditional Lithuanian dish. It was a dough, which was filled either with meat or coleslaw and baked afterwards. After we were back at school, we, the German student, went with our host sisters to the old town of Vilnius and then visited a cat cafe.

 On Thursday April 4th, we met in school again in the morning. A representative of the LGL- Organisation, an LGBTQ+ organisation from Lithuania, visited us and gave a lecture about discrimination. It was about discrimination because of sexuality, skin colour, nationality etc. Afterwards we had lunch at the school and then we discussed in small groups how discrimination takes place in the respective countries. After that we all reflected the results together. In the afternoon we walked up a hill in Vilnius where there is a castle. We had a guided tour. Later we, the German students, went to a shopping center and spent the rest of the day there.

 On Friday April 5th, we gathered again at the school and discussed in two groups the experiences of the last days. Afterwards we gathered outside and took a group photo. Since some countries already flew home on that day, everyone said goodbye to each other. The 5 German students went together with the host sisters to a nice café and afterwards to the city park, because the weather was very sunny. In the evening we had dinner in a restaurant.

 Saturday April 6th, we went back to Germany. In the morning at 8 o'clock we met at the airport Vilnius and flew back at 9:30 o'clock. After we landed in Berlin-Schönefeld and had our luggage, we went by train to Elsterwerda and from there by car to Riesa.                                                                                  The week in Vilnius was a lot of fun for all of us. We got to know a lot of new people and experienced a lot.                                                                                                                                                                  --- By F.H

German Students about Vilnius

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