Sunday, 24 March 2019

The 1st workshop in V. Kachialov gymnasium





for the realization of the ‘BETTER BEFORE’ project with multiple beneficiaries from Luxembourg, Spain, Greece, Germany and the UK under the ERASMUS+ programme, the activity KA2 - Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices, activity code: 2018-1-LU01-KA201-037307

At the launch of the  transnational project exchanges, Vilnius,Vasily Kachialov gymnasium in cooperation with an artist Mikhail Karikis, has organized the 1st workshop.

  1. Pre-visit activities: The presentation about the project to the gymnasium community (,the project blog in digital format ( that contains information about the project.(I.Read), the filling of the worksheets by the students who will participate in the project.
  2. The participants: The Lithuanian project coordinator Irina Read, the artist Mikhail Karikis, the group of project participated students.
  3. The schedule:
Thursday, 20.12.2018

10:00- 11:35 Workshop ‘Breaking the Ice’: Students’ brief introduction of themselves and their interests (photos, music, hobbies…), M. Karikis’s presentation of himself and his work ( );

11:35-12:00 Break: Tour around school;

12:00-15:00 Workshop ‘Reflection about the project “Better Before’: students discuss their personal thoughts (reflections) on the subject “Better Before”, brainstorm the skills and knowledge they have and  their contribution to the project, what and how they would learn/participate in the project (e.g. as team organizers, as communication assistants, as cameramen, as sound engineers, as performers, as writers etc.), make a list of  priorities necessary for creating the final product (film).

15:00-15:30 Lunch

Friday, 21.12.2018

9:00- 11:00 Workshop ‘Introduction Parcel’:  M. Karikis explains the way of creating “the student’s introduction parcel” ( )

      4.   Reflection after the meeting: padlet  Better Before  (I.Read, the group of students)

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